World Rhythm Percussion – Privacy Statement
World Rhythm Percussion recognises that privacy
is an important concept in internet usage and is therefore
committed to ensuring that the privacy of our users is protected.
You can keep up to date with any changes to World Rhythm Percussion’s privacy
policy by checking this page.
Collection and Usage
World Rhythm Percussion collects usage statistics through
our access log. This provides us with such details as visitor
domain names, the time of visits, web browser, length of visit,
IP address and referring domains. This information is used
solely for the purpose of developing the business of World Rhythm Percussion. World Rhythm Percussion also uses forms
to take customer enquiries. The information gathered from
our forms is relevant only to the purpose of that form. This
information is only used so that World Rhythm Percussion can answer customer
The information gathered by World Rhythm Percussion will only be made available
to those of our employees and business partners who need to
see it in connection with the purpose for which you have provided
the information. We will not pass your personal data to other
organisations or individuals without your express consent.
Use of the World Rhythm Percussion website indicates that you are willing
to accept the content of this privacy policy. Sites that are
linked to from World Rhythm Percussion may have their own privacy policy and
these should be checked on arriving at another site from World Rhythm Percussion.
World Rhythm Percussion can accept no responsibility for the privacy
policies of these other sites and recommends users should
always check the privacy policy of a site they visit.
Tel: 01622 522110 or Email Us
World Rhythm Percussion – Disclaimer
All steps have been taken to ensure that the information
published on this site is as accurate as possible. The providers
or our agents, cannot accept responsibility for any errors,
omissions or inaccuracies or for any consequence arising as
a result, to either those that choose to advertise here or
those that use any of the services provided on this site.
In addition we reserve the right to modify the information
held on this web site without notice, and whilst we are willing
to amend details on request by the original supplier of such
details we provide no guarantees of how long it may take to
effect such changes.
The providers or our agents cannot accept responsibility
for any loss, injury or damage sustained as a result of using
any of the services provided on this web site, or by referrals
to any other individual/organisation that appear on this web-site,
whether financial, material, physical or mental.
Unless clearly stated, any opinions, recommendations, information
or advice that appear on this site are not necessarily those
of the providers of this site, and caution should be exercised
before acting upon any opinions, recommendations, information
or advice.
This site also contains links to other web sites which are
completely independent of this web site and we make no representation
or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity
of any opinions, recommendations, information or advice contained
in any such linked web site. Furthermore, we do not endorse
the opinions of third parties expressed on any web sites linked
Links to another web site, or introductions by way of the
provision of an address or other contact details shall not
be construed as an endorsement by us of that web site, individual
or organisation, or of the products or services described
therein unless expressly stated on this site.
Wholesale reproduction of this site or any information contained
within it is expressly forbidden. A limited amount of false
information may deliberately appear on this site, to enable
the providers to identify and protect by taking appropriate
legal action, their intellectual property and any copyrights
and trademarks that may exist.
Tel: 01622 522110 or Email Us