
From time to time we may hold competitions on our site or on our Facebook page.  If you enter one of our competitions, we will assume that you have read these rules and that you agree to them.  You must be a UK resident and at least 18 years old or over at the time of entry.  Competitions are not open to employees (or members of their immediate families) of World Rhythm Percussion or any affiliated company, nor to business customers unless we state otherwise.  Only one entry is permitted per person.  Competitions must be entered in accordance with any instructions set out for the competition in question.  No responsibility is accepted for entries which are invalid, incomplete, illegible, lost or delayed in transit, or which fail to be properly submitted.  Proof of sending does not constitute proof of receipt. The winner will be the entrant who is either selected by us or at random or by an independent judge, as set out for the specific competition.  The decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

The closing date for any competition will be midnight on the date specified for that competition and we may amend the competition end date at any time.  Winners will be notified by telephone, email or private message.  If we cannot contact you or you do not respond within two weeks, we may offer the prize to another competition entrant. Competition prizes are not transferable to another person. No prize or part of a prize is exchangeable for money or money’s worth.  We may substitute the advertised prize for an alternative if the advertised prize is not available.  Incorrectly completed entries will be disqualified.  We will either publicise the name of the winner(s) on our site and/or our Facebook page

If you enter any competition and submit a photo, story or entry you: (a) warrant and represent that you own the rights to the content submitted and that the content submitted is: (i) original to you and has been legally obtained and created and does not infringe the intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or any other legal or moral rights of any third party; and (b) does not breach our standards set out in Your Conduct above; and (c) grant to us a worldwide, royalty free, perpetual licence to, copy and reproduce the photo, story or entry on our site, Facebook page and in any email newsletter.  You also agree to indemnify and keep us indemnified against any and all claims, damages, expenses, costs and liabilities arising out of any breach of these competition rules, warranties and representations.

We may amend these rules at any time. We may also create rules which will apply to a specific competition only, in addition to these rules. If we do this we will publish the amended competition rules and/or specific competition rules on the relevant competition page on this site or our Facebook page (as applicable).